What is bluereo electric suction toothbrush G100?


bluereo electric suction toothbrussh G100 on the bathroom tile.


 The bluereo G100 is an electric toothbrush with suction function. It is the world's first electric toothbrush with built-in suction function. This product is designed for individuals with conditions such as dysphagia, Parkinson's disease, and dementia.

 They may require assistance with oral hygiene from family members or professional guardian. Using a regular toothbrush or a suction toothbrush can face challenges such as the risk of oral injuries due to improper usage by the guardian, the need for an additional suction machine, etc. However, with the bluereo electric suction toothbrush G100, there is no need to worry about oral injuries because of its soft brushing power, and the suction feature eliminates the need for a separate suction machine, providing portability and convenience.


New Small Brush Head has been released

 bluereo's 2 types of toothbrush head


 bluereo has launched the Small Brush Head. The reason behind introducing the Small Brush Head is as follows: If the muscles in the mouth are paralyzed or if the individual has a small mouth, such as in children, it may be difficult to brush effectively with the existing G100 Brush Head. Therefore, we developed the Small Brush Head.

 As you can see in the image, the Small Brush Head is small enough compared to the existing G100 Brush Head, but the suction power is the same. 


 The development of our Small Brush Head was started by feedback from several customers. One customer who raises a child with disabilities mentioned that their child has a small mouth, so they cannot effectively brush with the existing brush head. Another customer, who works as a guardian, mentioned that the patient she cares for has facial paralysis, making it challenging to brush their teeth with a large brush head. Reflecting the opinions of these customers, bluereo has developed a Small Brush Head to address the discomfort experiences due to the size of the toothbrush head.

 We, bluereo will continue to enhance the electric suction toothbrush G100 based on customer feedback. We always value and welcome diverse feedback. Please continue to show your interest and feel free to provide your opinions.